Tasso International training program
Become a Transpersonal Regression Therapist
Our Training Program
Our program consists of 6 modules. Half the training is given online, half is given in the Netherlands.
The live modules are given in Amsterdam. As of 2024 the course is divided in two levels.
Level 1
Level 1 prepares you to become a practitioner in Regression Therapy. The emphasis of the classes is about working with childhood trauma, inner child work, prenatal and birth experiences, life between life experiences. Also you learn to work with energetic influences from other people, family members and relatives, but also influences from entities. Last but not least, you also learn the basics of past life therapy in Level 1.
Level 2
Level 2 takes you even deeper. The emphasis is on past life work. You learn to work with traumatic and hangover lifetimes, so that you can heal the effects they have on your current life. Also you learn to retrieve skills and talents from positive lifetimes. You learn about karmic and dharmic influences, patterns through lifetimes and working with non-human and unembodied experiences.
The course is both theoretical and practical. Part of the study is working with your fellow-students on your and their issues. There are exams, both practical and theoretical and other assignments you need to do to complete the course.
When you have completed both levels of the training, you will receive the Tasso International Diploma and can call yourself a Tasso Transpersonal Regression Therapist.
A new Tasso International training program
starts January 2025
Have a look at our schedule here.
Program and costs
Our program consists of 6 modules.
Level 1 consists of 2 online modules and 1 module in the Netherlands. Level 2 consists of 1 online module and 2 live modules. Have a look at our schedule here.
Level 1:
- Module 1: € 950,-
- Module 2: € 1400,-
- Module 3: € 1050,-
Payment is due at least one month before the start of the module. If you pay at once for all three modules, at least 1 month before the training starts you get a reduction of € 100,-, so you pay € 3.300,-.
Accommodation, food, travel and personal therapy sessions are not included. We advice that you book your accomodation in time, to avoid high costs.
Level 2:
- Module 1: € 1400,-
- Module 2: € 1050,-
- Module 3: € 1050,-
Payment is due at least one month before the start of the module. If you pay at once for all three modules, at least 1 month before the training starts you get a reduction of € 100,-, so you pay € 3400,-.
Accommodation, food, travel and personal tharapy sessions are not included. We advice that you book your accomodation in time, to avoid high costs.
Graduation and Diploma
After fullfilling the requirements of Level 1, you will receive a certificate that states you are a Practitioner in Regression Therapy.
You will receive the Tasso diploma when you have complied with our graduation requirements for Level 1 and 2. This diploma will give entrance to EARTh, the international professional association of regression therapists and shorten the application for IBRT, the International Board of Regression Therapy.
Students can already become student-member of EARTh Association for Regression Therapy during the training.
Requirements to receive the diploma, a.o:
- Attendance of at least 80 per cent of the lessons
- 4 Supervision sessions (practical exam)
- 2 Takehome examinations
- 1 Live written exam about practical cases
- 2 Session reports (verbatims)
- Casepresentation – presentation on a series of at least 6 therapy sessions with one client
Does the program appeal to you and do you feel you would fit in? Please fill out our application form.
We will look at your educational background, professional background, your life experience and view on spirituality. We expect you to be able to study at bachelor level. A diploma is less important then a professional and mature attitude. n order for us to get to know you and vice versa, we will plan in a video call before you are admitted tot the training.
Afterwards we we will send you the full program brochure with all details. Registration is made definitive by transferring the total amount for the first module.
The groups will consist of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 18 participants.
Interested in the Tasso International training program?
Read our terms, conditions & graduation criteria
Please fill out our application form. Or contact us if you have any questions.