Tasso Institute is committed to providing students with the best possible services. In case of problems, the first point of contact is the mentor who, after all, is responsible for student guidance. If this does not lead to a solution that is satisfactory to the student, students may file an official complaint.
1. Only complaints from enrolled students of Tasso Institute are covered by these regulations.
2. Complaints shall be addressed in writing to the Tasso Institute management either by letter or e-mail.
3. Tasso Institute will treat each complaint confidentially, and will keep a careful record of the complaint submitted, any written records, and any conclusions or reports resulting from the complaint handling process. These records will be kept with the institute’s secretariat for four years after the complaint has been processed.
4. For treatment of claims for damages, complainants should apply to the civil courts.
5. Complaints submitted should contain the following information:
- name and address of the complainant;
- the date;
- A clear description of the complaint, and against whom or what the complaint is directed;
- supporting documents, if any;
- The actions or circumstances to which the complainant objects;
- description of the steps taken to reach resolution;
- signature by the complainant.
6. Tasso Institute is not obliged to handle the complaint if:
- one or more of the information under point 5 is not met.
- the incident took place more than four months before filing the complaint.
7. With the exception of vacation periods, Tasso Institute will send an acknowledgement of receipt to the complainant within ten working days of receiving the complaint.
8. With the exception of vacation periods, complaints will be processed within two months. If, exceptionally, more time is needed to investigate, the complainant will be notified within this period, stating the reason for the delay and an indication of when a decision can be expected.
9. If internal mediation does not lead to an acceptable solution, an independent third party will be engaged as mediator. The mediator will be Mr. Simon van de Heuvel.
10. If the mediator considers the complaint valid, the program will pay the mediator’s costs. If the mediator deems the complaint unfounded, the student pays the mediator’s costs. If the mediator considers the complaint partially founded, the mediator may decide on a division of costs.
11. The mediator’s opinion is binding on Tasso Institute.
12. The complaint procedure ends if:
- The complainant withdraws the complaint in writing.
- The complainant accepts the written decision of the Institute’s management.
- The mediator hired has given a binding opinion.
- The complainant initiates civil proceedings.